Thursday, March 14, 2013


Going back to some basic anatomy studies trying to re-learn all the areas I'm weakest at. Which is everythiiiiing. It was good to go over these again and get a good refresher on where the planes go, shapes of the muscles, etc.

Referenced heavily on Michael Hampton's anatomy book. I studied some of the images from the book and redrew them and others from imagination trying to apply what I've learned.


  1. Nice dude. Keep the studies up. It's a hard balance between study and play but you should never let either tip too far in any direction.

  2. thanks ian! finding that balance is definitely a challenge.

  3. Nice studies Jin! Hampton is one of my favorites. I also like Charles Hu and Chris Legaspi for figure drawing.

  4. josh - oh yeah, man! charles hu is great. haven't seen any from legaspi, though. i'll look it up. thanks!
